Untitled, 2018MonotypeImage and paper: 35.25 x 30.25 inches
Untitled, 2018MonotypeImage and paper: 30.5 x 30 inches
Untitled, 2018Construction PrintImage and paper: 41 x 27 inches
Untitled (I), 2017Monotype with mixed mediaImage & paper size: 5 x 5 inchesSeries of 5
Untitled (II), 2017Monotype with mixed mediaImage & paper size: 5 x 5 inchesSeries of 5
Untitled (III), 2017Monotype with mixed mediaImage & paper size: 5 x 5 inchesSeries of 5
Untitled (IV), 2017Monotype with mixed mediaImage & paper size: 8.5 x 8.5 inchesSeries of 5
Untitled (V), 2017Monotype with mixed mediaImage & paper size: 8.5 x 8.5 inchesSeries of 5
Untitled 1, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches
Untitled 2, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches
Untitled 3, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches
Untitled 4, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches
Untitled 5, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches
Untitled 6, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches
Untitled 8, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches
Untitled 7, Tom Vessel Series, 2014MonotypeImage & paper size: 42.5 x 30.25 inches